private motor car – Hinterland Rural News Fri, 15 Nov 2019 06:13:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cars on England’s roads increase by almost 600,000 in a year Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:37:51 +0000 Private transport is the lifeblood of rural areas. This article tells us:

Latest figures show there were 25.8 million licensed cars in the third quarter of 2015 compared with 25.2 million in the same period of 2014.

Since 2011, the number has increased by about 1.6 million in England, 142,000 in Scotland and 69,000 in Wales.

The largest rise has been in south-east England, with 373,200 more cars over five years.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said there had been 2.63 million new cars made during 2015, a 6.3% rise on the year before.

Reasons suggested by the RAC Foundation include the growing population and even the rise in women in work.

Meanwhile, bus use has fallen across two-thirds of English council areas over six years, which the Campaign for Better Transport blamed on cuts in funding for supported services.

James MacColl, from the Campaign for Better Transport, said bus fare increases meant it would be difficult to “solve the problem of more cars on the road”.

“It is vital bus services are properly funded as they are a lifeline for those who rely on them to access essential services such as work, schools, health services and shops.”
