Jaywick and Middlesbrough most deprived areas in England

Many “statos” out there will have been waiting for the publication of the new Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) data. It was released today and whilst this articles indicates that the most deprived places are urban – there are a number of rural neighbourhoods in the 10% most deprived in England.

As my old mate Dan Bates has often indicated perhaps too much emphasis is applied to these stats in the distribution of local government funding. On the basis that you should know your enemy I expect all Hinterland readers to acquaint themselves with the data.

The article tells us:

A seaside village in Essex is the most deprived neighbourhood in England, government figures show.

Jaywick, near Clacton, was found to be the country’s most deprived area, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has reported

It found the Middlesbrough council area had the highest proportion of deprived neighbourhoods, while Birmingham had the largest number.

Officials judged 32,844 neighbourhoods across England for the study.