North-south divide among silver surfers, says Age UK

Important stuff this – esp as it costs more to live a life of bill paying, banking and recreation off line. We need to work hard to get those who depend on public services on line. Not sure about the north/south divide myself, but as Age UK are on the ball, there may well be something to this. The article tells us:

There is a “concerning” north-south divide in the number of over-65s in England, so-called silver surfers, who use the internet, a charity has said.

Age UK said Surrey’s older people were more than twice as likely to have web access as those in Tyne and Wear.

The charity also said poorer people, those living alone and those in relatively poor health were least likely to access internet services.

Age UK used data from the Understanding Society study of 40,000 UK households.

The charity analysed responses, which are collected annually, from more than 5,000 people aged 65 and over in England.

David Mortimer, of Age UK, said: “It is concerning that in some parts of the country, more than twice as many older people are able to access the benefits of being online than in other areas, particularly as there appears to be a north-south divide.”

A system of mobile phone alerts informing residents about major emergencies will be tested on more than 50,000 people.