50,000 disabled people ‘have adapted vehicles removed after benefits assessment’

This story reveals a phenomenon, which must hit most grievously on those in rural England where the transport options are massively reduced. It tells us:

More than 50,000 disabled people have had specially adapted cars and other vehicles taken away as they move over to a controversial new disability benefit, according to the charity that runs the scheme.

MPs and campaigners are now demanding changes to the Motability programme, so vehicles are not taken away before claimants have had a chance to appeal against their decision.

The latest figures from the Motability charity show 51,000 people have been taken off the scheme after a reassessment for personal independence payments (PIP) since it launched in 2013 – 45 per cent of all cases.

Of these, more than 3,000 have since rejoined after the decision to refuse them PIP was overturned.