Smiling tadpole caught on camera

I was in Barnsley this week and I was thinking about “Kes” – the great book and film (Brian Glover, Colin Welland et al) – and when I got home this story in the Daily Mail made me think about the bit in the book where the kid fills his wellies with tadpoles.

Well, this tadpole (judging by the look on its mutt) would probably have come out smiling – see what you think!

Do you remember the bit in the book? It still makes me chuckle now: “Anyway I shut my eyes and started to put my foot in. Oooo. It was just like putting your foot into live jelly. They were frozen. And when my foot went down, they all came over t’top of my Wellington, and when I got my foot to t’bottom, I could feel ’em all squashing about between my toes.

“Anyway, I’d done it, and I says to this kid, ‘Thee put thine on now.’ But he wouldn’t, he was dead scared, so I put it on instead. I’d got used to it then, it was all right after a bit; it sent your legs all excited and tingling like.”