‘I refuse to say my grandson’s name out loud’ – why 1 in 5 grandparents hate what you’ve called your kids

I must admit to sharing some of the sentiments set out here with regard to wider relatives and their naming strategies. I think Game of Thrones is the main source of current dysfunctional inspiration!! This article tells us:

A new survey from Mumsnet and Gransnet, the online parenting and grand-parenting forums, reveals a fifth of grandparents say they hate or have hated their grandchild’s name. Among the reasons given for such grand parental distaste is that – like Muireann – the name is too hard to pronounce. This does not explain, however, why names loathed by grandparents include Charlotte, Jack, Sally and Finn, my own son’s name. (His grandparents love it, by the way. Or at least, they claim to.)

Other objections raised by grandparents include the name being too odd, too “made-up” or too old-fashioned; annoyance that their suggested name hadn’t been used; and annoyance that a family name hadn’t been used. For some, the name is just too ugly. Aurora, Elijah and Tabitha were cited among the offensive choices.