Philip Hammond unveils £435m relief package to soften business rates blow and avert Tory rebellion

Well there we are then a challenging budget, putting extra burdens on the self employed and small businesses. No rural proofing here and some amelioration but no really imaginative response to the increase in business rates. The £50 a month maximum increase mentioned below could drive a nasty stake into many small lifestyle business providing crucial services on small town High Streets. I do like the efforts to deliver greater parity of esteem between vocational and academic qualifications but they have somehow slipped down the agenda with the furore created about the Chancellor’s tax increases on the self employed. This article tells us:

Nearly half a billion pounds has been unveiled by Philip Hammond to help businesses facing major hikes in their business rates.

The Chancellor said councils will be given powers to distribute £300m worth of discretionary relief to businesses hardest hit by the rises.

He pledged that no business losing small business rate relief will see their bill increase next year by more than £50 a month.

It goes on to provide a useful summary overall. There is £2bn to meet the rising pressures of adult social care but is it enough? Does it take account of the rural premium facing our members? I’ll leave you to decide….