Coronavirus: Virtual ‘Countryside Hub’ to provide info to rural firms

This is a sign of things to come. It should be applauded. I do however wonder whether in a month or so we will have more of these sort of initiatives than you can shake a stick at! This story tells us:

A new virtual ‘Countryside Hub’ has been created to help rural communities across the UK through the coronavirus pandemic.

The service will listen to concerns and act where necessary to ensure the countryside and its communities remain safe and resilient during the spread of the virus.

Launched by the Countryside Alliance, the hub offers support by signposting those within rural communities to the essential information, such as news on the latest government guidelines and announcements.

It will also outline support for small firms, key telephone numbers including mental health lines, call-outs for help from official bodies, as well guidance in relation to rural activities like horse riding and fishing.

Sarah Lee, Head of Policy at the Countryside Alliance said: “Watching our rural communities strengthen has been a ray of light but there‘s still more that we can all do to support each other by listening and learning from each other’s experiences.

“The Countryside Alliance website will be a hub of information for you to regularly check and will be updated constantly with the latest government advice, stay-at-home ideas and other forms of light relief to help us get through these uncertain times.