Grant Shapps: Government on target to smash public land ambition

Some good news from CLG on the release of land for affordable housing with a number of examples in rural places identified below:

“Whitehall departments are set to smash the Prime Minister’s ambition to release previously-used public land for building the homes this country needs, Housing Minister Grant Shapps said today.

New figures show that Ministers have identified enough surplus public land, such as empty offices, unused storage or empty public service buildings, to build up to 102,000 homes.

This means the Government is already well on track to exceed the Prime Minister’s ambition to release enough surplus land for 100,000 homes by 2015 – with more to follow.

Organisations across the public services, including the NHS, Ministry of Defence and Department for Transport, will now play a critical role in helping to build the new homes that communities want and that the country needs.

Examples of brownfield and previously used sites set to be released and sold for new homes include:

Princess Marina Hospital, Northampton. This NHS site has been sold and has outline planning consent for 550 homes including 12 flats for junior doctors.
Foxhill, Bath. The former Ministry of Defence base could provide over 600 homes.
Hertford East coal yard. Land in the Department for Transport estate with potential capacity for 50 homes.
RAF Brampton, Huntingdonshire. The former Ministry of Defence base could provide up to 400 homes.
Leicester Frith Farm, Lady Hay Road, Leicester. Former farm buildings sold by the Department of Health with the potential for conversion and around 10 homes.
Long Benton, Newcastle. Land formerly used for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ veterinary investigation centre, will deliver around 50 housing units with a minimum 12 affordable homes.
Calvert Lane, Hull Springbank. Part of the Department for Transport estate; could support up to 105 homes.
Erskine Barracks, Wilton. The former Ministry of Defence barracks could provide up to 450 homes.” 
Time to lift the phone and ask your favourite Government Department what it has available in your neck of the woods!