Online shopping goes virtual with a perfect recreation of a supermarket (and you never need to leave the sofa to walk through it)

Forget the metaphorical concept of the “couch potato” this article explains how in the not too distant future you can buy real potatoes from your couch in 3D! It tells us “For online shoppers who pine for the aisles of a real supermarket, technology may have the answer.

A a prototype for a ‘virtual store’ where visitors can walk through the aisles and put items into a basket – all without leaving their living room – has been shown off online.

The system was developed by British firm Keytree. head of research and development Nick Lansley told Marketing magazine that a virtual store had previously been ‘stymied by lack of computing power in a web browser and slow broadband speeds’.

However, greater bandwidth, the rapid take-up of HTML5 and new technology, including 3D TVs, mean the retailer’s aim of ‘flying through a virtual Tesco store and grabbing 3D products is getting closer’ to becoming a reality, Lansley said.

However, the firm admitted the virtual store was still some way off.