The top ten: Best British place names

The Independent’s top ten place names. I will offer a half day’s free consultancy if anyone can come up with a meaningful rural connection between them! The article lists them as:

1. Splott In Cardiff. With thanks to Dave Collins.

2. Pity Me County Durham – Ben Stanley.

3. Bat & Ball A railway station in Sevenoaks. Thanks to Citizen Sane for that.

4. Bufflers Holt Buckinghamshire. Sophie Hannah, the author, says she loved it so much, “I relocated a character in my new novel so she could live there”.

5. Warninglid West Sussex. Thanks to Parimal Kumar.

6. Fingringhoe Essex. (Gavin Murdock)

7. Grimness Orkney. Thanks to Alex Massie. Orkney also has Riff of Wasbister, Banks of Runabout and Rotten Gutter.

8. No Place Also County Durham. Thanks to Dan Jackson.

9. Ventongimps A hamlet in Cornwall, nominated by Carolyn.

10. Snodland Also in Kent. Where Snods come from. (Citizen Sane)