Unions call collective day of strike action in November

This article explains how:  “Trade unions have called a collective day of strike action on 30 November, warning the government thatBritainfaces the “biggest mobilisation in a generation” unless ministers rethink “hugely damaging” changes to public sector pension schemes. Up to 3 million public sector workers, including nurses, teachers and careworkers, are expected to take part in industrial action, with at least 14 unions committed to strikes over government pension reforms. The TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said: “The intention will be to take the call for pensions justice for both public and private sector workers to every corner of the land on that day in the biggest trade union mobilisation in a generation.” Barber confirmed that the 24-hour walkout – potentially the biggest since the 1926 General Strike – could signal the beginning of a wave of industrial action as individual unions and groups of public sector workers mounted their own campaigns across the UK.”

People I like are not always universally popular – Rowan Williams, Prince Charles and I am pleased to admit it, amongst others, Brendan Barber. I think he is a man of very significant integrity and moderation and the sight of him backing this level of industrial action made me think of that term for decent ordinary folk who find themselves in indecent circumstances – “the bank clerk who went to war.”  (Does anoyone one remember cricketer David Steele?). I know none of us would have started from here but I do find it depressing that people who have dedicated their lives to public service find themselves in this awful dilemma about whether to withhold their labour or not. Let’s not also forget ruralEnglandis being disproportionate hit by the loss of public sector jobs (having relatively fewer private sector jobs than urbanEngland) and will no doubt be equally disproportionately hit by the loss of public service which will arise from these strikes. There are no winners here and these are desperate times!