Man dressed as Batman chases ‘killer clowns’ in Cumbria

Good to see rural areas fighting back against the scourge of “ killer clowns” this article tells us:

A ‘killer clown’ craze is sweeping Britain, with police warning people against dressing as clowns in order to intimidate or harm people.

Now, the craze has taken a change for the strange in Cumbria, where a man is dressing as Batman and vowing to chase down the creepy clowns.

A photograph has been shared on Facebook of ‘Batman’ seemingly chasing off a killer clown.

BBC Cumbria reported local company Cumbria Superheroes is behind the effort to rid the streets of clowns.

They have reassured that the costumed man is not a vigilante, but just trying to reassure local children who are scared of the ‘killer clowns’.