Designing a successful app – a guide for councils

I think the development of aps to improve the delivery of public services has much to offer to rural communities – here are some really interesting examples (not all rural) of what the public sector is achieving. The only challenge then remaining will be to get mobiles to work in some of our remotest communities. This article tells us:

Salford city council

The free Salford city council iPhone and Android app has been created for anyone with an interest in what’s happening in Salford. With the app, residents can do numerous activities: check recycling and bin collection days, browse events listings from across the city and keep up with the latest news. The app also means the council’s contact information is close at hand, as are directions to any library, fitness centre, community centre and other facilities.

While not as attractive as their apps, the Salford mobile site is well designed to get the information residents might need, even with accessibility options (changes to text size) and translation options. An A-to-Z of services and a search option also make the mobile site easy and quick to navigate.

Worcestershire county council

Rather than go for a slick look, Worcestershire has gone for a more basic but much more comprehensive app for both iPhone and Android. As well as building on similar services to those provided by Salford, they also provide a facility for reporting problems such as potholes, streetlight faults, fly tipping and more, as well as YouTube videos produced by the council, including filmed meetings.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for there’s a clear option to search the whole of the website. The council has also made the app accessible by voice commands. The mobile site is equally comprehensive, while looking a little basic.

One excellent aspect of the work is that it offers lots of opportunities for users to give feedback. This means that the council’s tech team will be getting some useful responses from residents on how to improve mobile services in the future.

Birmingham city council

Birmingham’s smartphone apps and mobile site are well optimised for whichever device a resident is browsing and both are designed to enable the right information to be found quickly and clearly.

Bright, bold buttons make it easy to navigate and there is a consistent user experience across the mobile web and apps.

The apps also allow users to register an account, which can be used on the main council website too, meaning that the council will be able to better respond to residents’ needs.

This design strikes the best balance between a great user experience, consistency across devices and presenting information clearly.

Bridgewater canal iPhone app 

Not a council app but worth mentioning as a local government organisation doing something in this area.

As part of the Bridgewater canal 250th anniversary, The Friends of Salford Museum and Art Gallery have created the app with help from Salford city council and Salford Community Leisure.

The app is designed to enable anybody interested in the historic waterway and canal visitors making their way from Boothstown to Barton to look out for landmarks, buildings and wildlife.

Features include historic images of the canal, interesting facts and the reminiscences of local people.