New species of wasp discovered in England

I am amazed by the diversity of the British Countryside. This article tells us about a new breed of parasitic wasp which has been discovered – well I suppose at least one form of human life has found a way of overcoming the practical challenges many of us face moving into the countryside! The story tells us:

A species of wasp that has never been recorded in the country has been discovered at a British nature reserve. The parasitic wasp, Lymantrichneumon disparis, now known to be a genus and a new species to Britain, was found by a butterfly collector at the RSPB’s Broadwater Warren near Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent. But is has taken two years for experts to confirm the 2013 discovery made by Tony Davis, of Butterfly Conservation, who was undertaking a moth monitoring programme when he came across the specimen. He said: “I’d finished my work and was leaving the reserve but couldn’t resist one last sweep on my net and that’s when I found the wasp. I knew it was something special, but I could never have guessed it was an entirely new species to the country.”

Dr Gavin Broad, an expert on ichneumonid wasps, employed by the Natural History Museum, has confirmed the species which has no common name and no other specimen has yet been found. Broad said he believed the find had been a recent colonist from continental Europe. He said: “It’s not uncommon to find parasitic wasps new to Britain, but to find a new genus for the country that is large and showy is very unusual and good evidence of change in our fauna”.